Zakay Law Group Files Class Action For Missed Breaks On Behalf of Security Guards


In a class action filed last week, security guards are claiming unpaid overtime and missed meal and rest breaks.  Zakay Law Group filed the class action in San Diego on July 26, 2018.  The lawsuit names GSG Protective Services CA Inc. (“GSG”) as the Defendant.

The Plaintiff filed the lawsuit as a class action.  The action claims that GSG violates the California Labor Code.  Among other things, the action claims that GSG fails to pay its security guards for overtime, and fails to provide its security guards with proper meal breaks and rest breaks.  According to the complaint, this conduct violates California labor laws.

In the complaint, the plaintiffs contends that as a security guard, his work schedule was so rigorous that he often missed his 30-minute meal break and 10-minute rest breaks.   The nature of his work, Plaintiff contends, forced him to stay on duty without breaks.  This led to violations of the California labor code.  Furthermore, Plaintiff contends, he often worked long shifts in excess of 8-hours in one day.  But, according to Plaintiff, GSG did not pay him an overtime rate, as required by California law.

The complaint asks the court to certify the action as a class on behalf of all security guards who currently work for GSG, or worked for GSG in the last 4 years.   In addition for labor code violations, the complaint alleges that GSG’s conduct also constitutes an unfair business practice.

The action asks the court to award damages compensating Plaintiff and other security guards for the missed meal and rest breaks, and the unpaid overtime.  The action also asks the court to impose penalties against GSG for these and other violations of the labor code.

To learn more about the case, feel free to review the filed complaint here.

If you or anyone you know is a security guard who isn’t receiving overtime pay, or often misses his or her meal and rest breaks, please do not hesitate to contact Zakay Law Group, APC for a free consultation.

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