San Diego Car Wash, Soapy Joe’s, Sued for Employment Law Violations in California


San Diego car wash chain, Soapy Joe’s, was sued last week in the San Diego Superior Court in California.  The Complaint claims that the car wash company violated California labor laws.

The Plaintiff worked for Soapy Joe’s as a Customer Service Associate in 2018.  She filed the employment lawsuit on April 4, 2019 in San Diego, California.  The complaint was filed as a class action, where the Plaintiff is seeking to represent all of Soapy Joe’s employees during the last 4 years.

The action contends that the San Diego car wash manipulated its time clocks, which resulted in employees working off the clock.  That, the Complaint alleges, caused employees to lose wages. The Plaintiff argues that Soapy Joe’s had a policy of changing employees’ time records so that the records would never reflect any overtime worked or any late, short, or missed meal breaks.

Among other claims, the lawsuit sets forth causes of action for unpaid minimum wages, unpaid overtime wages, missed and late meal breaks, and missed and late rest breaks.  The employment action also claims that, as a result of those labor law violations, Soapy Joe’s failed to pay all employees wages on time, and failed to provide their employees with accurate wage statements. Finally, the complaint alleges that these employment law violations also constitute an unfair business practice under the California Business and Professions Code.

The action is seeking monetary damages for the lost wages of Soapy Joe’s employees.  It is also seeking penalties under the California Labor Code, as well as a Court order compelling the San Diego car wash to comply with California employment laws.

For more information about the complaint, please review a copy of the filed complaint here.

If you think your employer is manipulating your time records to avoid paying you overtime or other compensation, please do not hesitate to contact the California employment attorney of Zakay Law Group, APC.

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