Security Guards In California Sue For Unpaid Wages and Missed Breaks


Security guards employed by a California company filed a lawsuit on Monday alleging the various violations of the California labor code.  The plaintiff worked for defendant as a security guard in California from March 2017 and until September 2018.  The plaintiff filed the lawsuit in the California Superior Court for the County of Orange on July 22, 2019.   The defendant is All American Private Security, LLC, a California full service provider of premium security services, including security training courses.

The lawsuit was filed as a class action, seeking to represent both the individual plaintiff, but also all other security guards who worked for All American Private Security for the last four years.  The complaint alleges a variety of employment law violations.  Among other claims, the lawsuit contends that the defendant failed to pay its security guards overtime wages and failed to provide them with California compliant meal breaks and rest breaks.  The lawsuit also claims that the defendant failed to reimburse its California employees for business-related expenses, including cell phones and uniforms.  In the complaint, the plaintiff further claims that these labor law violations resulted in inaccurate wage-statements and late payment of wages.  These violations, the complaint alleges, also constitute an unfair business practice under the California business and professions code.

The lawsuit is seeking monetary damages for the plaintiff and the other security guards who have worked for the defendant since July of 2015, including unpaid wages and unpaid premiums for missed meal breaks and rest breaks.  The lawsuit is also seeking monetary reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses incurred by security guards in connection with their job.  Finally, the complaint is seeking monetary penalties for the non-compliant wage-statements and the late payment of wages. The lawsuit also seeks a court order compelling All American Private Security to bring its employment practices into compliance with the California labor code.

For more information about the lawsuit, please feel free to review the complaint here.

If you’re employed as a security guard in California, your employer may be violating California employment laws.  Call one of our California employment attorneys today for a free consultation!

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